November 16th 2023

Sleeker Look, Namespaced Auth Tokens, Constraint Lists, Oh My

Our latest release v1.31.x is huuuge. Don't just take our word for it, check out everything below πŸ‘‡

Here are a few of the major features in it:

Sleeker UI

We made the UI a little less purple and a little more modern/sleeker. The major changes in the header/title bar, but there are a few other minor updates that we hope you enjoy. Oh yeah, and this includes dark mode as well 🌝.

Namespaced Auth Tokens

A heavily user-requested feature just landed, the ability to create static authentication tokens that are scoped to a single namespace. This gives you more granular control over what resources your integrated services can access.

Read more in the docs: Namespaced Tokens

Constraint List Values

One of the longest open feature requests/issues is finally complete! Thanks to an amazing contributor @phenax

You can now use IS ONE OF or IS NOT ONE OF operators for handling multiple / list values for both String and Number constraint types!!

Hopefully, this will unlock a lot of use cases for segmentation that were not previously possible!

That's A Wrap

Thats all of the major features for 1.31, but all of the changes are in the release on GitHub linked above.

As always, feel free to reach out on Discord or GitHub with any feedback or questions. Thank you for using Flipt!